About Me

As a proven Data Science leader, I consistently deliver data-driven products with applications to a variety of industries such as energy, environment, mobility, and IoT. I have both contributed to and led cross-functional teams throughout the entire data science lifecycle from ideation to development to operationalization, ensuring that data products translate into tangible business outcomes. In my current role as Data Science Team Lead at sonnen, I drive strategic initiatives in residential renewable energy, fostering a culture of innovation and delivering measurable results.


Data Science Team Lead

2021 - present Berlin, DE

Data Scientist

National Renewable Energy Laboratory
2019 - 2021 Golden, CO

Lead Data Scientist

2017 - 2018 Berlin, DE

Data Scientist/Engineer

Telekom Innovation Labs/TU Berlin
2015 - 2016 Berlin, DE

Postdoctoral Research Scientist

NC State University
2013 - 2015 Raleigh, NC

Research Assistant

Florida State University Center for Ocean-Atmospheric Prediction Studies
2006 - 2013 Tallahassee, FL


Florida State University

PhD, Oceanography 2013
My dissertation work investigated the circulation of coastal ocean waters in the Northeast Gulf of Mexico. The work used an understanding of ocean physics to understand how the larvae of gag grouper could be transported from deep waters to shallow coastal waters. I used numerical modeling approaches with a high-performance computing system. My primary advisors for this work were Dr. Eric P. Chassignet and Dr. Steven L. Morey.

B.S., Meteorology (cum laude) 2007
B.S., Mathematics (cum laude) 2007


Todd, A.C., M. Optis, N. Bodini, M.J. Fields, J. Perr-Sauer, J.C.Y. Lee, E. Simley, and R. Hammond (2022): An independent analysis of bias sources and variability in wind plant pre-construction energy yield estimate methods. Wind Energy, 25 (10), p. 1775-1790. https://doi.org/10.1002/we.2768 .

Fields, M. J., M. Optis, J. Perr-Sauer, A.C. Todd, J.C.Y. Lee, J. Meissner, E. Simley, N. Bodini, L. Williams, S. Sheng, and R. Hammond (2021): Wind Plant Performance Prediction Benchmark Phase 1 Technical Report. Golden, CO: National Renewable Energy Laboratory. NREL/TP-5000-78715. https://www.osti.gov/biblio/1826665/

Todd, A.C., A. Purkayastha, H. Egan, D. Sickinger, M. Eash, S. Serebryakov, J. Hanson, M. Slaby, N. Wunder, N. Guba, K. Munch, T. Cader, and C. Phillips (2021): Artificial Intelligence for Data Center Operations (AI Ops). Golden, CO: National Renewable Energy Laboratory. NREL/TP-2C00-79712. https://www.nrel.gov/docs/fy21osti/79712.pdf

Perr-Sauer, J., M. Optis, J.M. Fields, N. Bodini, J.C.Y. Lee, A.C. Todd, E. Simley, R. Hammond, C. Phillips, M. Lunacek, T. Kemper, L. Williams, A. Craig, N. Argawal, S. Sheng, J. Meissner (2021): OpenOA: An open-source codebase for operational analysis of wind farms. Journal of Open Source Software, 6(58), 2171, https://doi.org/10.21105/joss.02171

Berres, A. T. LaClair, C. Wang, H. Xu, S. Ravulaparthy, A.C. Todd, S. Tennille, and J. Sanyal (2020): Multi-Scale and Multi-Variate Transportation System Visualization for Shopping District Traffic and Regional Traffic. Transportation Research Record.https://doi.org/10.1177/0361198120970526.

R. He, A.C. Todd, C. Lembke, T. Kellison, C. Taylor, and D. A. Mann (2018): Cross-shelf exchange associated with the Gulf Stream in the South Atlantic Bight: Direct observations using an autonomous underwater glider. Marine Technology Society Journal, 52(3), 19-27. https://doi.org/10.4031/MTSJ.52.3.5

D.M. McVeigh, D.B. Eggleston, A.C. Todd, C.M. Young, and R. He (2017): The influence of larval migration and dispersal depth on potential larval trajectories a deep-sea bivalve. Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers 127, 57-64. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.dsr.2017.08.002

Johansen, C., A.C. Todd, and I. MacDonald (2017): Time series video analysis of bubble release processes at natural hydrocarbon seeps in the Northern Gulf of Mexico. Marine Petroleum Geology 82, 21-34. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2017.01.014

Todd, A.C., S.L. Morey, and E.P. Chassignet (2014): Circulation and cross-shelf transport in the Florida Big Bend. Journal of Marine Research 72, 446-475. https://doi.org/10.1357/002224014815540660

Todd, A.C. (2013): Circulation dynamics and larval transport mechanisms in the Florida Big Bend. Florida State University, PhD Dissertation, 90pp.


ELTE Data Science & Engineering Department Inauguration
TU Berlin Report: http://www.snet.tu-berlin.de/...
Telekom Press Release: http://www.telekom.com/media/company/321718
ELTE Press Release: http://www.elte.hu/...
Hír TV (in Hungarian language, 09:15-11:58): http://aszt.inf.elte.hu/...

Shipwreck discovery off North Carolina coast
NC State Press Release: https://news.ncsu.edu/2015/07/shipwreck-2015/
CNN Report: http://edition.cnn.com/...
NBC Report: http://www.nbcnews.com/news/...
Washington Post: http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/...
Boston Globe: http://www.bostonglobe.com/news/...

Florida Sea Grant: Grads around the globe
Feature: http://www.flseagrant.org/studentwebmap/

Florida State University featured student profile


Project Supervisor

Internet of Services Lab
Technische Universität Berlin, Winter 2015/2016 and Summer 2016

Guest Lecturer (8 Lectures)

MEA642: Observational Methods and Data Analysis in Marine Physics
NC State University, Spring 2014

Guest Lecturer (1 Lecture)

OCE4017: Issues in Environmental Science
Florida State University, Spring 2013

Scientist in the Classroom

Stars Middle School Career Day
Tallahassee, FL, May 2012


Antarctic Research Facility Tour
Florida State University, July and December 2011


Young Scholars Program
Florida State University, Summer 2009

Guest Lecturer (1 Lecture)

OCE4017: Issues in Environmental Science
Florida State University, Fall 2008

More Research Projects